the world through my eyes

Archive for August, 2012






Siamo stati a Cairns 4 giorni, 3 per la città’ e uno a Green Island, a fare snorkeling nella grande barriera corallina.

We were in Cairns for 4 days, we spent 3 days around the city and one diving in the Great Barrier Reef.

Dopo aver sofferto il freddo di Alice Springs e Uluru siamo arrivati a Cairns in aereo (398 au$). La temperatura della città’ era stupenda, 25-30 gradi di giorno e 20 di notte e considerato che a giugno e’ inverno in Australia, era perfetto.

After we suffered the coldness in Alice Springs and Uluru we arrived  in Cairns by plane (398au$). The temperature in the city was amazing, 25-30 degrees during the day and 20 degrees during night and considered that in June is winter in Australia, it was perfect.








Lungo la spiaggia c’era un gruppo di persone intente a costruire sculture si sabbia mentre un fotografo scattava alcune foto.

Along the seaside there was a group of people that was building some sand scultures while a photographer was shopping some photos.

Di fronte al mare, a pochi passi dal centro della città, c’e’ un bel parco dove riposarsi.

In front of the sea, just some steps from the city center, there is a beautiful park where everyone may rest.

La città’ e’ meravigliosa, fra tutte quelle che ho visitato questa e’ quella dove resterei per più’ tempo.

The city is beautiful, among all the cities I have seen this one is the one where I would stay longer.

Dopo i 4 giorni passati qui abbiamo preso un volo diretti a Sydney.

After 4 days we spent here we took a flight headed to Sydney.