the world through my eyes

Posts tagged “zoo


Se sei un backpacker sai quanto vale una buona connessione wifi,quanto e’ dura trovarla,perche’ se devi caricare dalle 30 alle 60 foto in un blog ci vogliono ore,e dato che il giorno e’ troppo importante per passarlo su un maledetto pc a caricare foto,lo fai di notte,sacrificando il sonno e rovinandoti il giorno dopo.Ma il risultato mi sembra buono.

If you are a backpacker you know how much a good wifi connection worths,how is hard to find one,because if you have to upload fromm 30 to 60 photos in a blog it takes hours,and given that the day is too important to waste it on a bloody laptop uploading photos,you do that during night,sacrifying your rest and the next day.But the result seems pleasant to my eye,arr!

Wellington e’ stupenda,abbastanza piccola come citta’ ma c’e’ tutto il necessario,c’e’ il mare,l’aria e’ fresca,la gente amichevole,i trasporti costano poco e portano ovunque,ci sono locali per i giovani,e un cinema enorme dove ho visto due film bellissimi in uno schermo enorme,con un audio incredibile.

Wellington is beautiful,such a small city but there’s all you need,the sea,the air is fresh,people is friendly,the transports don’t cost so much and take you everywhere,there are places for young people,and a big cinema where I have seen two amazing movies in a huge screen,with an incredible sound.

I primi giorni abbiamo girato a piedi per la citta’,ma la prima mattina siamo stati al museo Te Papa.Molto bello e molto interessante,di solito mi annoio nei musei ma questo e’ molto ben organizzato,il materiale all’interno e’ interessante sia per i bambini che per gli adulti,l’ingresso e’ gratuito,e c’e’ una linea wifi gratuita a cui potete connettervi nella sala principale.Ecco alcune foto:

The first days we have walked around the city,but the very first morning we have been at Te Papa Museum.Usually I get really bored in the museums,but this one is really well organized,the inside stuff is interesting both for children and adults,there’s no ticket to get in and there’s a free wifi connession in whick you may connect in the main hall.Here’s some photos:

Questo e’ un vero calamaro gigante trovato nei mari australiani e subito sottoposto a un trattamento

perché’ si mantenesse in condizioni perfette

This is a real giant squid found in australian seas and immediately put under treatment

in order to maintain it properly

Questo e’ un gioco per bambini,in cui si puo’ liberamente entrare.Sinistro.

This is a game for children,in which everyone is allowed to enter.Creepy.

Se pensavate che una gallina soffrisse,date un’occhiate alle altre uova.

If you thought that a chicken suffers,have a look to the other eggs.

Dal tetto del museo la vista della città e’ questa.
From the roof of the museum the view of the city is that one.

La citta’ e’ davvero bella,la vista del mare di piu’,ma l’acqua e’ davvero fredda,ma chi vive qui sembra non accorgersene,e ogni tanto c’e qualcuno che si tuffa dal molo.

The city is really beautiful,the view of the sea even more,but the water is really cold,but who lives here seem to not be interested,and every now and then there’s someone diving from the dock.

L’acqua più chiara del mondo.

The clearest water of the world.

A qualche metro dal mare ci sono bar,ristoranti,negozi e parchi giochi per bambini.

Really close to the sea there are bar,restaurants,shops and playgrounds for kids.

Se vuoi rinfrescarti,basta un salto,qui sembra essere una cosa normale.

If you want to cool down,you just have to jump,here it seems to be normal.

Siamo saliti su questo scivolo piuttosto alto,la vista da lassu’ era piuttosto bella.

We have get on this quite high children’s slide and the view from up there was pretty nice.

Ho messo questa casa perché’ mi sembrava troppo quella di Up,così piccola ed elegante in mezzo ai grattacieli.

I uploaded this house because it seemed to much to be the Up house from Dreamworks,so tiny and elegant among the skyscrapers.

Queste due costruzioni dovrebbero essere governative,eravamo troppo di fretta quel giorno per fermarci a chiedere.

These two buildings should belong to government,but we were too in a hurry to ask that day.

Se salite su una delle tante collinette di Wellington questa e’ la vista che avrete.

If you climb one of the little hills of Wellington that’s the view you’ll get.

L’ultimo giorno,non sapendo cosa fare,siamo andati allo zoo (circa 20 NZ $) e fino in cima a una collina di wellington prendendo il Cable Car,andata e ritorno e’ costato poco piu’ di sei dollari neozelandesi,anche se il viaggio dura solo un paio di minuti ne vale la pena,la vista e il viaggio in se sono molto belli.Ecco alcune foto dello zoo:

The last day,given that we didn’t know what to do,we have been to the zoo (about 20 NZ $) and tull the top of one Wellington’s hill taking the Cable Car,to go and to be back we paid about six NZ dollars,even if the trip lasts only a couple of minutes it worth the shot,the view and the trip itself are really good.Here’s some photos of the zoo:

La stanza dei Kiwi e’ completamente immersa nel buio,illuminata solo da luci rosse che gli animali non riescono a percepire,se volete vederli dovete aspettare in silenzio,molto a lungo.

The kiwi room is completely dark,lightened only by red light the Kiwi can’t perceive,if you want to see them you have to wait in silence,for a long time.

La scimmia ragno,l’animale più’ dispettoso che esiste.

The spider monkey,the most spiteful living animal.

Pipistrelli che dormono.

Sleeping bats.


Il parco giochi dello zoo.

The zoo’s playground.

In una via del centro di Wellington potete prendere la Cable car che vi porterà’ in cima a una collina in pochi minuti,

il costo e’ di circa 6 dollari,ma il panorama e’ davvero bello.

In a street in the centre of Wellington you can take the Cable Car that will bring you to the top of one hill in a couple of minutes,the cost is about 6 dollars,but the landscape is really beautiful.

Washington Zoo

We did the trip from New York to Washington by train,four hours for 150 dollars,not so cheap after all.Anyway,once we reached the hotel and we left all the bags,we discovered that in the middle of Washington there was a big zoo,free entry moreover,so we immediately directed over there!


The toucan is one of the animals that I love the most, is extremely curious and has a beak out of proportion to the body




This peacock was walking a few centimeters from us indifferent




the eyes of this bird are wonderful

every time we moved in front of his cage, he bent his neck curious about us

Central Park Zoo

the little mouse came out of his den believing that we had to throw something to eat




Every time that I was aiming the camera at her, the seal realized it and began posing