the world through my eyes

Posts tagged “kitten

Rag doll

The funny name of that kind of cats comes from the fact that,if you pick up one grown cat or a kitten,all his legs and arms fall like the ones of a rag doll (bambola di pezza)
At the moment we have 3 kittens and 7 big cats,Mama cat included!


The face of that cat is relly stunning,it’s a pity I can’t take the photos of all the other cats,but they still are too scared too get too close to them


That kitten is the one that plays more with us,every time we enter in her pen she looks for us to play or to be petted.

Everyone’s desire

For all the people that are still looking for their path,for the ones that already found it,and for you,that meanwhile you are reading this post,a big hug from Australia!



Today one of our white Shepard has gave birth to some puppies (still giving) and yesterday night the other white Shepard gave birth to 6 lil’ puppies,here some photos



One month ago also the cat has had kittens,3 female and 1 male,they are starting to scrape and to bite,and when they start playing their nails are a finger in the ass (it’s a common use phrase overhere,I checked) but they are so nice



They run and jump and bite all the time,but when I take them right behind their neck,they suddently stop moving at all!amazing trick 🙂



We also have some young cow puppies,rosie & coco,one let you touch her every time,the other is really braveless,she runs away every time you get too close
