the world through my eyes

Posts tagged “sand

Alice Springs

Dopo due mesi di lavoro a Kingston era ora di andare via. Il volo per Alice Springs e’ partito da Adelaide a ci sono volute circa tre ore per arrivare. Nonostante mi aspettassi che li facesse caldo, la temperatura media era di 15-18 gradi durante il giorno e -2 gradi durante la notte.

After two months working in Kingston it was time to leave. The flight to Alice Springs departed from Adelaide and it took about three hours to get there. Despite I was expecting some hot weather, the average temperature was between 15-18 degrees during the day and -2 during the night.

Ecco il piatto che abbiamo mangiato appena siamo scesi dall’aereo: pollo al miele, riso e altre cose fritte.
Here’s the first meal we had when we arrived: honey chicken, rice and some fried stuff.

La citta’ e’ molto piccola e in meno di un giorno chiunque e’ in grado di vedere le cose piu’ interessanti, ma il centro cittadino e’ comunque meraviglioso, ovunque ci sono negozi dove comprare oggetti tipici e manufatti aborigeni e i cibi particolari abbondano in ogni angolo, come la carne di cammello.

The city is very little and in less than one day anyone  is able to see the most interesting things, but the city centre is anyway amazing, everywhere there are shops in which you can buy souvenirs or aborigenal artifacts and characteristic foods are in every corner, like the camel meat.

Sebbene Alice Springs sia costruita in mezzo al deserto ci sono tante aree verdi, prati e alberi ovunque.
Although Alice Springs is located in the middle of the desert is full of green areas, green grass and trees everywhere.

Su molti muri della città ci sono murales come questi.

A lot of city walls have graffitis like this on them.

Una strada lunga per tornare a casa.

A long way back home.

Noi alloggiavamo all’ Alice Lodge, un ostello molto carino poco fuori dal centro della citta’. Tramite l’ostello siamo stati in grado di prenotare la cavalcata a cammello e nel giro di qualche ora un bus ci e’ venuto a prendere all’entrata per portarci appena fuori dalla citta’, al Pyndan camel tracks.

We stayed at Alice Lodge, a very nice hostel just outside the city centre. Thanks to the hostel we were able to book the camel ride and within a few hours from the booking a bus came in front of the hostel to pick us up to take us outside the city, at Pyndan camel tracks.

Byron Bay

Our 2nd week end in Byron

here’s some photos

That’s the main beach of byron,the one in which all the people come to sunbathe,to do some surf,to lay on the greengrass playing a guitar or simply to relax!


Even if it’s still spring is often really hot,and in spite of all the sea monster people go anyway in the sea,swimming or surfing


That day we didn’t take so much sun,but last weekend we have come back to byron,walking till lighthouse,and the sun has shined all the time!


If you decide to come to Byron,you are warned!it’s full of hippies,drunks and strange people,but it’s a beautiful place,if you come in australia that’s a must!

That’s the hostel in which we stayed 1 night,it costs 25 $ in a 10 people room,it’s really nice,internet point quite cheap,free dinner from 7 to 8 pm if you take a drink and most of all,a swimming pool you can use anytime!


Our room!In which room there’s a bathroom with shower and a door that leads to another little room,for two people only,but you pay much more for that..



Here it is,the hostel swimming pool!

That night was sourrounded by backpackers drinking beer,and there was  “jaws” (lo squalo) screened,just to prepare to sunday beach time…